Roles & Responsibilities

The structure and delivery of academic advising may vary slightly across campus to account for the distinctiveness of particular programs, departments, or schools. The roles and responsibilities we have included are not exhaustive, but rather a simple and approachable selection/sample of those we prioritize. The delineation of roles and responsibilities like 'general advising' or 'major advising' have been assigned to the entity best positioned to deliver on that aspect of academic advising.


Students are expected to accept ultimate responsibility for their decisions, academic performance, course selection, educational pathway, and graduation timeline. This includes taking ownership of exploring and clarifying their values, skills, and abilities, as well as their personal, academic, and professional goals. Students should seek opportunities to get involved, enrich their educational experience, and build connections within our campus community.

Additional examples of taking ownership:

  • Engage early and often with Professional Academic Advisors, Faculty Advisors, and the Student Support Network
  • Come prepared to advising sessions with questions and updates on progress
  • Be open about how you are doing and what you need to be successful
  • Complete any action items or recommendations you've been assigned in a timely manner
  • Become familiar with academic requirements, regulations, and deadlines for your degree and/or program
  • Understand and adhere to university policies
  • Utilize available services and campus resources as needed
  • Regularly review your Academic Requirements Report (ARR)


Professional Academic Advisors predominantly support students with general advising. This includes, but is not limited to, empowering decision-making, goal-setting, and self-authorship; course registration; academic advising tools and resources; graduation requirements within General Education; academic standing and academic probation; and university policies, processes, and related forms.

Additional examples of general advising:

  • Referrals, wayfinding, student support triage, and where to seek advising
  • Holds and to-do list items
  • Transitional support, holistic needs, and overcoming barriers to academic success
  • Fostering belonging and connectedness
  • Major and minor exploration for both open and selective programs
  • Major and minor declaration for open programs
  • Transfer and test credit
  • Academic related interventions (alerts, referrals, and progress reports)


Academic advising is part of the additional professional responsibilities of faculty. Faculty Advisors predominantly support students with academic advising for majors/minors, as well as credentials and certificates. This includes, but is not limited to, overall graduation requirements; internships, research, and field experience; relevant co-curricular opportunities; and career and graduate school mentorship.

Additional examples of major/minor advising:

  • Major and minor declaration for selective programs
  • Course content


Academic programs, departments, and schools predominantly support Faculty Advisors and students with academic advising for majors/minors, as well as credentials and certificates. This includes but is not limited to, updating curriculum and resources (e.g., Academic Requirements Report; What-If Report; University Catalog; websites; articulation agreements; etc.); assigning appropriate academic advisor(s) or advising committee(s); partnering with university administration to support training on academic advising tools and resources, as well as on relevant policy or curriculum changes; and developing consistent and transparent guidelines for workload and compensation for Faculty Advisors.


Overall responsibility for coordination and training for academic advising rests with the university administration. The Provost, in collaboration with Deans, the Office of Faculty Affairs, the Academic Advising Subcommittee, and the Division of Student Affairs, shall provide funding, resources, incentives, and recognition necessary for effective and meaningful academic advising. This includes, but is not limited to, periodic and thorough reviews of academic advising culminating in a report to the Academic Senate; maintaining the Advising Central website; and partnering with academic programs, departments, and schools, as well as campus resources (e.g., the Learning and Academic Resource Center; the Center for Teaching & Educational Technology; Student Success & Retention; the CARE Team; etc.) to coordinate training on academic advising tools and resources, as well as on relevant policy or curriculum changes.