Learning Outcomes


By participating in New Student Advising & Registration during NOMA Nation Orientation...

  • Students will become familiar with vocabulary terms and elements related to degree requirements and course registration (e.g., FLC, GE, GWAR, electives, lower-division vs. upper-division, etc.)
  • Students will be introduced to tools and resources related to degree requirements and course registration (e.g., MySSU, LoboConnect, General Catalog, Academic Requirements Report, Transfer Credit Report, Seawolf Scheduler, etc.)
  • With support from Faculty and/or Professional Advisors, students will register for a full-time course load that supports student success, degree progress, goal attainment, and on-time graduation.


By engaging early and often with your Professional Academic Advisor...

  • Students will know why, where, and how to seek advising.
  • Students will actively participate in advising and understand their role in developing their educational pathway.
  • Students will know how to register for courses and utilize supporting tools/resources.
  • Students will be able to find and utilize their Academic Requirements Report (ARR) to identify the degree requirements that are completed, in-progress, and outstanding.
  • Students will know where to find enrollment policies, processes, and related forms.
  • Students will understand Good Academic Standing, Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), Academic Probation, and Disqualification.
  • Students will be able to find and utilize the Program Roadmap for their major and General Education (GE) requirements, identify where they have agency in the curriculum, and curate a meaningful educational pathway.
  • Students will understand how their educational pathway impacts their graduation timeline.
  • Students will understand how campus resources, services, and co-curricular opportunities enrich and support their educational pathway.
  • Students will understand how their educational pathway connects their values, skills, and abilities to their personal, academic, and professional goals.


By engaging early and often with your Faculty Advisor...

  • Students will learn which major courses and necessary prerequisites are required for graduation.
  • Students will understand how to sequence their courses to persist toward on-time graduation.
  • Students will have access to the wealth of academic and industry experience and expertise.
  • Students will be supported in the work they do in their chosen program of study.
  • Students will be able to discuss graduate school options, internships, and career mentoring.
  • Students will learn ways to become involved in undergraduate research and relevant co-curricular opportunities.
  • Students will be connected with other faculty that share their educational or career interests.