General Education (GE)
General Education (GE) supports students in building the broad and multidisciplinary knowledge that they will use throughout their studies, careers, and as citizens of a globally engaged democracy.
Major Requirements
Through a concentration of studies in a particular major, students focus in depth upon a particular set of disciplines or subject areas.
Good Academic Standing
A grade point average of C (2.000) or better is required in work undertaken in residence at Sonoma State University, as well as in the student’s total undergraduate work and in the major field.
Minor Requirements
A minor is not required for graduation. Many departments, however, offer programs leading to a minor, and students are encouraged to consider pursuing a minor that complements their major.
Unit Requirements
Each degree requires a minimum number of units. Within these units, students complete their GE, major, and statutory requirements, as well as any university electives needed to reach the minimum units required.
University Electives
Students may choose from a broad spectrum of courses to broaden their education, deepen understanding of their specialties, pursue work in related fields, and satisfy their curiosity and enthusiasm regarding particular areas of interest.