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Prepare to be Advised

Select one of the following options to expand:

  • Double-check the modality of your appointment (i.e., are you meeting in-person or remote/online?).
  • Double-check which Professional Academic Advisor you are meeting with.
  • Have your SSU student ID number.
  • If meeting remotely/online via Zoom, please try to be on a computer or a device from which you can easily access your Student Center and screen-share. Please try to be in a private space, free from distractions, that supports a 1:1 conversation.
  • Review your Academic Requirements Report (ARR) in advance. Need a refresher? Check-out this video.
  • Come prepared with your questions or materials ready.
  • If this is a follow-up appointment, be ready to share an update on your progress with any action items or recommendations the Professional Academic Advisor had assigned.
  • Be honest and open about how you are doing and what you need to be successful.
  • Come prepared to take notes on what you've learned, next steps, or any action items.
  • We expect students to actively participate in the process. We can give insight, answer questions, and help facilitate the decision-making process, but ultimately most decisions are yours to make.

  • Utilize the subject-line to provide a very brief topic of the email.
  • Address the Advisor by name.
  • Include your first and last name, as well as your SSU student ID number.
  • Use complete sentences and proper punctuation, even if composing a message from a mobile phone.
  • Be direct with your questions so the Advisor is clear what you're asking.
  • Share any necessary context, but limit long narratives. If relevant, let the Advisor know what steps you've taken to address the issue and/or who else you've already contacted.
  • If your questions are time-sensitive, provide any relevant deadlines.
  • Provide your contact information if you are requesting a non-email response.
  • Do a little research before sending the email to be sure you cannot easily find the answer yourself and that you're contacting the best person.
  • Most departments will do their best to respond within 1-2 business days. However, if your question requires research or for us to connect with a campus partner, our response may take longer. Response times may be delayed during periods of high volume (e.g., the start of the semester, just before or during registration, during orientation, etc.)