California Promise Program

Sonoma State University has long been committed to providing our students tools and support to graduate in a timely manner. The California Promise Program, established through California Senate Bill 412, is intended to facilitate on-time graduation. Through this pledge program, Sonoma State is able to provide an additional pathway for entering first-time, first-year students who are both interested and able to complete their baccalaureate degrees in four years. In addition, this pledge program supports transfer students who have completed an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) from a California Community College and who are both interested and able to complete their baccalaureate degrees in two years. This program is limited to students who are residents of California.
Students participating in the program will receive a variety of benefits, including:
- Support: Tailored academic advising from a California Promise Advisor to support on-time graduation, complimenting the academic advising provided by students' primary faculty advisor and/or professional academic advisor.
- Access: Early access to courses each semester via a priority registration appointment.
- Success: Maintaining eligibility for the program sets you up for success! On average, Sonoma State students who take at least 15-units per term earn higher GPA’s, have higher persistence rates, and are more likely to graduate on-time.
- Savings: On-time graduation can save students up to $14,410 per semester, or $28,820 annually.
- Increased earning potential: In California, on average, a person with a bachelor’s degree earns $60,521 per year compared to $30,627 for a person with only a high school diploma. That is nearly $30,000 more per year!
Prospective students wanting to participate in the California Promise Program must indicate interest during the application process by completing the California Promise portion of the Cal State Apply application. Students who have expressed interest during the application process will be contacted with next steps at the start of the semester.
If you already submitted your Cal State Apply application and did not indicate interest, please email and include your name, SSU ID number, major, and whether you are inquiring about the 2-year or 4-year program.
In order to participate in the 2-year program, incoming transfer students must meet the eligibility criteria:
- Interested and able to complete a baccalaureate degree in two years.
- Starting at Sonoma State in Fall 2017 or later.
- Have an ADT, to be verified through our Admissions Office.
- Have declared one of the participating majors, which must be "similar" to the completed ADT.
- Have completed at least 50% of the units required for the degree.
- Be a California Resident.
- Attend orientation at entrance to the University.
- Complete a California Promise Program pledge form.
In order to participate in the 4-year program, incoming first-time, first-year students must meet the eligibility criteria:
- Interested and able to complete a baccalaureate degree in four years.
- Starting at Sonoma State in Fall 2019 or later.
- Have declared one of the participating majors.
- Be a California Resident.
- Meet at least one of the following three conditions:
- Qualify as a low-income student.
- Be a graduate of a high school located in a community that is underrepresented in college attendance.
- Be a first-generation college student.
- Attend orientation at entrance to the University.
- Complete a California Promise Program pledge form.
In order to continue to participate in either the 2-year or 4-year program, students are expected to:
- Develop and maintain a 2-year or 4-year enrollment plan with your primary faculty advisor and/or professional academic advisor.
- Review the enrollment plan with your California Promise Advisor every semester.
- Maintain good academic standing with at least a 2.000 GPA in all college units attempted (cumulative GPA) and for all units attempted at Sonoma State University (resident GPA).
- Complete 30 units within each academic year, which may include winter and summer intersessions.
- Complete all required courses on the first attempt with the minimum grade required.
- Clear any registration holds prior to your assigned priority registration window.
- Register for classes during your assigned priority registration window, i.e., within the first 24-hours of your registration appointment.
- Take required classes when they are offered, regardless of the scheduled time.
- Unless sequenced otherwise by your major, attempt to meet the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) no later than the semester before the semester you anticipate graduating.
- Submit a Graduation Application no later than the semester before the semester you anticipate graduating.
- Pay fees by the required deadlines.
- Remain in your admitted major. If you wish to change majors (or add a major or minor), you must first receive approval from both your California Promise Advisor and an advisor in the new department, verifying that the change will not impede your time to degree.
- Complete your degree within two years if you are a transfer or four years if you are a first-time, first-year student, beginning with the first term of enrollment.
Please email us at When emailing, please include your name, SSU ID number, major, and whether you're inquiring about the 2-year or 4-year program.
Participating Majors
FALL 2024 - SPRING 2025
SSU Degree | 2-Year | 4-Year |
American Multicultural Studies (BA) | X | X |
American Multicultural Studies (BA) - Africana Studies | X | X |
Anthropology (BA) | X | X |
Applied Statistics (BA) | X | X |
Art History (BA) | X | X |
Art Studio (BA) | X | X |
Biology (BA) - General | X | X |
Biology (BA) - Zoology | X | X |
Chemistry (BA) | X | X |
Chicano and Latino Studies (BA) | X | X |
Dance (BA) | X | |
Early Childhood Studies (BA) - Early Childhood Development | X | X |
Early Childhood Studies (BA) - Early Childhood Education | X | X |
Economics (BA) | X | X |
English (BA) - Creative Writing | X | X |
English (BA) - Literature | X | X |
Environmental Studies, Geography, and Planning (BA) | X | |
French (BA) | X | |
Global Studies (BA) - Development | X | |
Global Studies (BA) - Area Studies through Study Abroad | X | |
History (BA) | X | X |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Interdisciplinary Studies (Track 1) | X | |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Elementary Teacher Preparation (Track 2) | X | |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Blended Elementary Teacher Preparation (Track 3) | X | |
Math (BA) - Pure Math | X | X |
Math (BS) - Applied Math | X | X |
Physics (BA) | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - Pre-Law and Ethics | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - The Good Life | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - Science, Technology, and Ethics | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - Social Justice | X | X |
Political Science (BA) | X | X |
Psychology (BA) | X | X |
Sociology (BA) | X | X |
Spanish (BA) | X | X |
Statistics (BS) | X | X |
Women's & Gender Studies (BA) | X | X |
FALL 2023 - SPRING 2024
SSU Degree | 2-Year | 4-Year |
American Multicultural Studies (BA) | X | X |
American Multicultural Studies (BA) - Africana Studies | X | X |
Anthropology (BA) | X | X |
Applied Statistics (BA) | X | X |
Art History (BA) | X | X |
Art Studio (BA) | X | X |
Biology (BA) - General | X | X |
Biology (BA) - Zoology | X | X |
Chemistry (BA) | X | X |
Chicano and Latino Studies (BA) | X | X |
Dance (BA) | X | |
Early Childhood Studies (BA) - Early Childhood Development | X | X |
Early Childhood Studies (BA) - Early Childhood Education | X | X |
Economics (BA) | X | X |
English (BA) - Creative Writing | X | X |
English (BA) - Literature | X | X |
Environmental Studies, Geography, and Planning (BA) | X | |
French (BA) | X | |
Global Studies (BA) - Development | X | |
Global Studies (BA) - Area Studies through Study Abroad | X | |
History (BA) | X | X |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Interdisciplinary Studies (Track 1) | X | |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Elementary Teacher Preparation (Track 2) | X | |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Blended Elementary Teacher Preparation (Track 3) | X | |
Math (BA) - Pure Math | X | X |
Math (BS) - Applied Math | X | X |
Physics (BA) | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - Pre-Law and Ethics | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - The Good Life | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - Science, Technology, and Ethics | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - Social Justice | X | X |
Political Science (BA) | X | X |
Psychology (BA) | X | X |
Sociology (BA) | X | X |
Spanish (BA) | X | X |
Statistics (BS) | X | X |
Women's & Gender Studies (BA) | X | X |
FALL 2022 - SPRING 2023
SSU Degree | 2-Year | 4-Year |
American Multicultural Studies (BA) | X | X |
American Multicultural Studies (BA) - Africana Studies | X | X |
Anthropology (BA) | X | X |
Applied Statistics (BA) | X | X |
Art History (BA) | X | X |
Art Studio (BA) | X | X |
Biology (BA) - General | X | X |
Biology (BA) - Zoology | X | X |
Chemistry (BA) | X | X |
Chicano and Latino Studies (BA) | X | X |
Dance (BA) | X | |
Early Childhood Studies (BA) - Early Childhood Development | X | X |
Early Childhood Studies (BA) - Early Childhood Education | X | X |
Economics (BA) | X | X |
English (BA) - Creative Writing | X | X |
English (BA) - Literature | X | X |
Environmental Studies, Geography, and Planning (BA) | X | |
French (BA) | X | |
Global Studies (BA) - Development | X | |
Global Studies (BA) - Area Studies through Study Abroad | X | |
History (BA) | X | X |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Interdisciplinary Studies (Track 1) | X | |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Elementary Teacher Preparation (Track 2) | X | |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Blended Elementary Teacher Preparation (Track 3) | X | |
Math (BA) - Pure Math | X | X |
Math (BS) - Applied Math | X | X |
Physics (BA) | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - Pre-Law and Ethics | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - The Good Life | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - Science, Technology, and Ethics | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - Social Justice | X | X |
Political Science (BA) | X | X |
Psychology (BA) | X | X |
Sociology (BA) | X | X |
Spanish (BA) | X | X |
Statistics (BS) | X | X |
Women's & Gender Studies (BA) | X | X |
FALL 2021 - SPRING 2022
SSU Degree | 2-Year | 4-Year |
American Multicultural Studies (BA) | X | X |
American Multicultural Studies (BA) - Africana Studies | X | X |
Anthropology (BA) | X | X |
Applied Statistics (BA) | X | X |
Art History (BA) | X | X |
Art Studio (BA) | X | X |
Biology (BA) - General | X | X |
Biology (BA) - Zoology | X | X |
Chemistry (BA) | X | X |
Chicano and Latino Studies (BA) | X | X |
Early Childhood Studies (BA) - Early Childhood Development | X | X |
Early Childhood Studies (BA) - Early Childhood Education | X | X |
Economics (BA) | X | X |
English (BA) - Creative Writing | X | X |
English (BA) - Literature | X | X |
History (BA) | X | X |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Interdisciplinary Studies (Track 1) | X | |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Elementary Teacher Preparation (Track 2) | X | |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Blended Elementary Teacher Preparation (Track 3) | X | |
Math (BA) - Pure Math | X | X |
Math (BS) - Applied Math | X | X |
Physics (BA) | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - Pre-Law and Ethics | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - The Good Life | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - Science, Technology, and Ethics | X | X |
Philosophy (BA) - Social Justice | X | X |
Political Science (BA) | X | X |
Psychology (BA) | X | |
Sociology (BA) | X | |
Spanish (BA) | X | X |
Statistics (BS) | X | X |
Women's & Gender Studies (BA) | X | X |
FALL 2020 - SPRING 2021
SSU Degree | 2-Year | 4-Year |
American Multicultural Studies (BA) | X | |
American Multicultural Studies (BA) - Africana Studies | X | |
Anthropology (BA) | X | X |
Applied Statistics (BA) | X | X |
Art History (BA) | X | X |
Art Studio (BA) | X | |
Biology (BA) - General | X | X |
Biology (BA) - Zoology | X | X |
Chemistry (BA) | X | |
Chicano and Latino Studies (BA) | X | X |
Early Childhood Studies (BA) - Early Childhood Development | X | X |
Early Childhood Studies (BA) - Early Childhood Education | X | X |
Economics (BA) | X | X |
English (BA) - Creative Writing | X | X |
English (BA) - Literature | X | X |
History (BA) | X | X |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Interdisciplinary Studies (Track 1) | X | |
Liberal Studies, Hutchins (BA) - Elementary Teacher Preparation (Track 2) | X | |
Math (BA) - Pure Math | X | X |
Math (BS) - Applied Math | X | X |
Physics (BA) | X | |
Philosophy (BA) - Pre-Law and Ethics | X | |
Philosophy (BA) - The Good Life | X | |
Philosophy (BA) - Science, Technology, and Ethics | X | |
Philosophy (BA) - Social Justice | X | |
Political Science (BA) | X | X |
Psychology (BA) | X | |
Sociology (BA) | X | |
Spanish (BA) | X | X |
Statistics (BS) | X | X |
Women's & Gender Studies (BA) | X |