How to set Availability
Availability allows faculty and staff to indicate the days, times, locations, and services for which they are available to meet with students. Faculty and staff can choose whether the availability active duration is for a specific term, a specific set of dates, or forever. Faculty and staff can set availability for appointment scheduling, drop-in visits, and/or appointment campaign purposes.
You must have availability set in LoboConnect in order for students to make appointments with you.
Creating Availabilities
To begin navigate to the "Faculty Home" or "Staff Home" page on LoboConnect. From there, choose the My Availability button
Next, under the section Available Times click the drop down Actions menu
Select Add Time which will open the Add Availability window
- When are you available to meet? section
- Days of the week- Choose which days of the week you are available for this availability. You can choose multiple days.
- To/From-Select the start and end times you are available to meet for this availability.
- How long is this availability active for? The range of dates is recommended for setting availability duration.
- What Type of Availability is this? You are required to choose at least one option for the type of availability you are setting up
- Care Unit: Choose the Advising Care Unit
- Location: Choose your major department. If you teach in multiple departments please select the location that your assigned advisees are in. For assistance email:
- Services: Select the services from the list that you offer advising for. You can select multiple services
- Special instructions for the student: Please include you room number so the student knows where the meeting will take place
Click the Save button
Repeat this process until alll of your availabilities have been defined. You can have as many availabilities as needed.
Helpful Hint
Once you have set up at least one availability there is an easier way to create future availabilities:
Copy Time: To copy a time, select the time you would like to copy and then click the Copy Time button from the Actions menu. The availabilities will be copied and a dialog box will open allowing you to make edits or save your newly created availabilites. When copying time be sure to check that it reflects the correct days and times-the add availability box automatically defaults to the current date. Also be sure that your location is reflected in the special instructions box.
Delete Time: To delete your time, simply select the time and click the Delete Time button.