Instructions for Syncing LoboConnect and Gmail

To begin syncing your LoboConnect calendar to Gmail you will need to perform the following steps:

Part 1:

Log in to LoboConnect. You can access it through your tiles at

From there, click on the calendar icon on the left side navigation bar

Select Settings and Sync from the right hand side underneath the LoboConnect logo

Choose Setup Sync

Please choose Google Calendar fron the list of calendar applications

You will be taken to a Google sign it page. Be sure you select your email address


  1. You will see two drop down menus that require you to choose which calendars you want synced via free/busy integration. Please select your email addresses

Part 2:

This should complete your calendar sync. Please log into your Sonoma Gmail to view your calendar and compare it against your calendar within LoboConnect. Note: It may take approximately 30 minutes for the calendar to fully sync. If you notice any abnormalities please contact for assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of syncing my calendar?

Calendar syncing allows you to have LoboConnect appointments/drop ins migrate directly onto your calendar. In addition, if a conflict comes up on your calendar it will prevent a student from setting a new appointment at that time.

Will LoboConnect and students using LoboConnect be able to read my calendar if I use calendar syncing?

No, LoboConnect calendar syncing only reads free and busy signals from your calendar.

After syncing I see that my calendar says "busy," what does that mean?

Busy signals come from your Google calendar, they indicate that you have another appointment or event scheduled on your Google calendar.

Do I still need to input my availabilities into LoboConnect if I sync my calendar?

Yes, you will still need to input your availabities into LoboConnect.